making a contribution
to the mitigation of global warming

We are CO2 neutral

Climate change is the most dominant topic of our time. As with all major societal issues, there is a wide range of different opinions. Global Warming is a fact, but the right way to deal with this phenomenon has not been set yet.

This leads to two of the most difficult questions of our time:

  • What impact will which temperature rise have exactly?
  • What is the most economically sustainable and socially fair way to slow down Global Warming?

We at BROCKHAUS will not be able to answer these questions conclusively. But we can provide a pragmatic contribution.

Warming stripes 1850 – 2019 by Ed Hawkins – Visualizing Global Warming

The Warming Stripes can be considered as the barcode of our climate. The picture shows the annual average temperature between 1850 – 2019.


At BROCKHAUS we strive to achieve a CO2-free production! However, our production plants and work equipment (e.g. heat treatment plants and trucks) do not technically allow this at the present time.

Therefore, we have focussed on CO2 avoidance and reduction, which we can influence ourselves. As part of our continuous improvement process (CIP), we have already been implementing a large number of energy-saving measures and investments for several years.

Our priorities:


We report our CO2 emissions that are currently still unavoidable in our annual CO2 balance sheet. For these CO2 emissions we purchase Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) in the world’s largest voluntary Greenhouse Gas compensation programme, the Verified Carbon Standard, and thereby fully offset our CO2 balance.

As we cannot yet avoid CO2 altogether, we offset our CO2 footprint and became CO2 neutral!

Since 2021, all business divisions of the BROCKHAUS Group have been CO2 neutral. Due to the complexity of the CO2 footprint, the business division BROCKHAUS Measurements has followed in 2021. We acquire the VCUs from a very renowned REDD project (Reducing Emissions From Deforestation And Forest Degradation) in the Amazon region. The project protects rainforest threatened by countless fires and creates new rainforest through sustainable reforestation. The CO2 projects offered are diverse, which is why more and more projects will be added to our portfolio over the next few years.



UN Global Compact

“The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest and most important initiative for responsible corporate leadership. The vision of the UN Global Compact is an inclusive and sustainable global economy based on its ten universal principles – today and in the future.”1

With the project in Brazil we also support 6 of the 17 Global Goals of the United Nations.

We are all obligated to work on this issue. Everyone can make their own individual contribution to achieving the goals. Because of this, the following sentence has etched its mark on our minds:

„Let us recognize our fragilities and let us understand that only in unity and solidarity we will be able to adress them“
