About us

BROCKHAUS is a family-owned company with 180 employees and sales of 115 million EUR. We offer technologies and materials.

Our technology businesses:

BROCKHAUS MEASUREMENTS is the world-renowned specialist for measuring and testing technology in the field of magnetic materials. Our equipment is used in R&D, incoming goods inspection and quality assurance.

With BROCKHAUS ENVIRONMENT we offer our customers in the petrochemical industry full-service solutions for their processes and turnarounds (TAR). Our activated carbon filters eliminate e.g. hydrocarbons from off-gas or wastewater.

Our materials businesses:

In our cold rolling mill at BROCKHAUS STEEL, we manufacture specialty steel strip for demanding applications. Our customers process our cold-rolled strip or modified split strip into parts that are mainly used in the automotive industry.

At BROCKHAUS ENVIRONMENT’s recycling business unit, we make an important contribution to the sustainability of the metal industry’s value chain. We offer the most efficient link between the metal working company that is generating production scrap and the steel mill that is requiring scrap as a production input.

We create decisive added value for our customers by capitalizing on our expertise that we have built up over many years. As a family business, we have a mission that is deeply rooted in our thinking and way of doing things. This mission is also the foundation for all our strategies that we formulate for our distinctive business units.

Our mission

“We consistently strive for a better understanding of our customers
This understanding enables us to optimize our performance.
Through this we become a partner to our customers and achieve sustainable success”

Our Mission summarizes in three short sentences how we are endeavor to reach the optimal quality and flexibility. It shall remind us what we have to do in order to be successful with our products and services on a daily basis.

The products and services that we offer our customers are based on our comprehensive know-how that we have acquired over many years. We are in close contact with our customers and collect valuable information about their needs. By putting the focus of our mission statement on our customer needs, we underline the significance of the know-how and foster its future development.

By the means of an ever deeper understanding of our customer’s business, we become able to adapt our products and services exactly to our needs. Through this we also avoid over- or underengineering. Also we enable ourselves to better forecast market trends and thus adapt our strategy.


BROCKHAUS Code of Conduct

Our Mission Statement is founded on five values, which were identified by an anonymous voting among our staff. Through this participative approach we were able to identify values that are deeply rooted in the work ethics of our employees. The following values are an essential part of our Mission and corporate culture:

  • Reliability
  • Responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Respect
  • Environmental Consciousness

The present Code of Conduct sets out the details of the requirements we must meet in terms of compliance and ethical conduct. We understand the term “compliance” to mean both adherence to our internal rules, as given in the Code of Conduct and guidelines, and observance of the corresponding statutory regulations. Business conduct is ethical wherever it corresponds to the general principles of integrity and decency, and where the people we deal with perceive it to be right.

We would like to invite you to visit our product and service specific websites. We at BROCKHAUS are looking forward to your visit!