Fluxmeter F10

Fluxmeter F10

  • Analogue voltage integrator for measuring all quality-relevant magnetic parameters
  • Integrated calibration device
  • Automatic probe identification
  • Selection of measuring units
  • Integrated comparator
  • Self-testing function
  • Peak value memory
  • Analogue output
  • Well-structured user interface
  • Illuminated graphic display
  • Demonstration software for PC connection

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Operating principles

For measuring all magnetic properties of magnetic material relevant to quality control. Applications in research and development, automatic process control, quality control, and at incoming inspection. When the flux density is changed a voltage is induced proportional to the change in flux. The F 10 Fluxmeter integrates this voltage and indicates the voltage integral.

The self-calibrating function of the instrument ensures that the measurements are always accurate. Display of the measured values in a selection of scales: e.g. Tesla, A/m or Vs. In this way optimal use is made of the possible applications.

Very easy to operate because of:

  • Drift compensation • Digital display filter • Conversion of measuring scales
  • Self-calibration • Bar graph display • Window comparator
  • Percentage display • Physical probe parameters saved in memory
  • Automatic probe identification • Choice of manual or automatic range
  • Remote control via digital interfaces

Customer-specified probes also available

Technical data: Fluxmeter F 10
Measuring mode: free of drift integrator with 24-bit A / D-conversion
Measuring ranges: 400 µVs, 4, 40, 400 mVs
Resolution: maximum 0,1 µVs
Selection of range: automatic or manual
Accuracy: 0,1 % after self-calibration
Measuring rate: 50 measurements / sec
Internal calibration: voltage- / time reference
Drift: <± 1 µV s / min
Input resistance: 1 kOhm, 10 kOhm ± 0,1 %
Connections: thermal low voltage mini-sockets on the front and back panel
Display: LCD 100 x 80mm, 4-digit display of measured value, bar graph display
Digital output: low / high / in / run
Digital input: reset / hold / range / drift zero
Interfaces: RS-232 C, USB optional
Analogue outputs: 1x galvanically isolated, ± 10 V
1x configurable (average value, min. / max., peak / peak, ± 10 V)
Peak value memory: digital recording at intervals of 20 ms,
analogue recording for high-speed pulses (optional)
Dimensions: 120 x 250 x 250 mm (height x width x depth)
Mains supply: 105– 125 V AC/ 210 – 250 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz

Usable Coils

Field Coil
Field Coil
Potential Coil
Potential Coil