- Measurement of flux density distribution of each pole
- Rotors in the range from 0 to 500 mm diameter and a height of up to 500 mm
- Easy sample mounting for Rotors with and without shaft
- High resolution of up to 0.01°
- Comprehensive operation and evaluation software
- Customizable construction according to the need of the customer

Operation principle
The rotor tester system determines the symmetry of multipolar magnetized DC permanent magnet rotors.
The measuring system measures the magnetic field strength over the surface of a rotating rotor and determines the distribution of the field, its peak values, zero crossovers and their distance, as well as the total flux of each pole. Depending on these values the symmetry of the magnetization can be calculated.
The measuring system consists of the following components: Mechanics equipped with drive for the admission and turn of the rotors, measuring sensor system with hall sensors, Gaussmeter for field strength measurement , software package ROT-EXPERT, PC interface for the data acquisition and control of the measuring procedure.
Technische Daten: | Rotor Tester |
Messaufnahme: | Mechanik mit Antrieb zur Aufnahme von Rotoren unterschiedlicher Baugröße |
Sondenträger: | Hallsensor(en) mit variablem Trägersystem für unterschiedliche Baugrößen |
Feldstärkenmessgerät: | Messbereich 1 – 1000 mT, 3 Eingänge, Analogausgang ± 10 V |
PC-Interface: | PCI-Karte, 12 Bit D/A Wandler, 4 Analogeingänge, 2 Analogausgänge, 16 digitale I/O |
Software: | ROT-EXPERT unter Windows |
Netzanschluss: | 230 V, 50 – 60 Hz |