Events 18.-19.09.2024 Coiltech Italia 2024 Press and Publications BROCKHAUS MEASUREMENTS USABROCKHAUS Representative Meeting 2022Testing stator quality is key for producing high-performing motors!BROCKHAUS CHINA supports the Chinese marketNew scientific article about magnetic influences on statorsBrockhaus Polska Sp. z o.o.New patent for our EBA-CoilMap technologyEBA CoilMapRWTH Aachen 2019Publication of an article in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsAutomated Measuring InstrumentsRWTH Aachen 2018BROCKHAUS ACADEMYBROCKHAUS in Shanghai„Innovative through Research“Automated Measuring InstrumentsBROCKHAUS Representative Meeting 2017Veröffentlichung in “Aus bester Familie”Regional und nachhaltig – Stark vor Ort